Our mission at Asian Avenue magazine is to build bridges of awareness, knowledge, and understanding between the diverse Asian Pacific American (APA) communities and the general public through cultural insights, pop culture, news, and information. We are the only English-printed publication in Colorado focused on the APA community and culture.
Asian Avenue magazine began serving the mile-high area on July 2006. The full-color, glossy-paged magazine is currently distributed to more than 550 locations each month–and counting!
Asian Avenue magazine is a part of Colorado Asian Culture and Education Network and a partner publication of Mile High Asian Media.
Please contact us to find a location near you or to get your subscription.
In 2008, we started the Joy of Living Club as a way to introduce Asian culture and good to our readers. Every other month, we host dinner events at Asian restaurants across the Denver metro area. In 2019, the program received a grant from the Asian Roundtable of Colorado to continue the monthly events, now called Asian Eats.
Asian Avenue also hosted the Miss Asian American Colorado Leadership Program from 2008-2013. Other events include Asian American Heroes of Colorado, Asian American Film Night, Lunar New Year’s Dinner and more!
Publisher & Founder:
Christina Yutai Guo
Annie Guo VanDan
Editorial Director:
Mary Jeneverre Schultz
Marketing Manager:
Joie Ha
Graphic Designer:
Lijin Zhao
Staff Writer:
Patricia Kaowthumrong
Web Designer:
Jason Zhang
Published by Asian Avenue Magazine, LLC
P.O. Box 221748
Denver, CO 80222
Tel: 303.937.6888